Monday, December 20, 2010

a while

It's been a while since I've posted on here. It's not because Spencer hasn't done anything crazy lately, but just because our family has been going through some major things right now....So, a new post will be coming up soon! But for now, Spencer is going to be a big brother, and we are so excited!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just a guess...

So, I'm guessing this is where Spencer picked up his Hand, Foot and Mouth...We went there on Friday, and he started getting sick on Sunday....We had a super fun playdate with our great friends Stephanie, and her girlie Maddie. She and Spencer had a ton of fun together, aside from the normal fighting over toys, and crying about binkies. We decided to head over to this bounce house called Kangaroo Zoo, and then next door for some frozen yogurt. Mmmmm! We got to the bounce house, and the kids went wild! Spencer was a little unsure at first, but after going down a side with him, he decided it was fun enough to go on his own after that. They had a great time running around together, jumping around, and going down slides. Spencer loved hitting the baseballs, and hiding from me! After we wore ourselves out by chasing them, we headed to the Yogi Berry yogurt shop. It's one of those places where you pour your own yogurt, and then load up with toppings, and weigh it. Spencer and I got Peanut Butter, and Maddie and Steph had Chocolate. I think Maddie had the most fun while we were there! I think it was my favorite yogurt shop to date! The yogurt was super yummy, the toppings were even better, and they took our coupons! Thanks girls for a great afternoon!!
(Fuzzy pix, but I was chasing kiddos while I was shooting!!) 
 (Original Post: 10/16/2010)


Well, I did it again. I was helping my mom cook a bunch of soups, and wanted to keep Spencer entertained. So, I grabbed the paints, stripped him down, and let him go! He did really well until the end when I checked on him and discovered paint in his mouth, his hair, and his nose. He got the brush and wiped it around the inside of his nostrils. His boogers were interesting the rest of the day! I call this picture begging for forgiveness from me, after I saw him "cleaning" the water cup with the paintbrush, after drinking the water of course! This next picture I like to call "I'm innocent, you gave me the paint!"
'Til next time buddy.....
(Original Post: 10/16/2010)

The joy of blackmail...

Ryan will probably be so mad at me for posting this!! Spencer absolutely loves cleaning! He is such a great helper when I am unloading the dishwasher, or cleaning somewhere in the house. He loves the song "clean up, clean up, everybody clean up." Although, this is his version: "Kee Nut Kee Nut, Buddy Kee Nut". I love hearing him sing this song! Since he loves to help out, I found THIS for his Christmas present. He's going to go nuts!!! Also, he has a love affair with shoes. Especially my moms. He plays dress up during the day, and then we haul them all back in her room. Ryan hates it! I love it! He's not old enough to know the difference between high heels and regular shoes, and who they are appropriate for. All I know is that he's having a blast, and keeping entertained!
(Original Post: 10/16/2010)

Hoof and my mom calls it!

Spencer is sick. AGAIN!! The poor boy has hand foot and mouth. At the moment, it's only in his mouth, and hopefully it stays there. He has had a super high fever since Sunday, and last night, the ulcers in his mouth must have burst because he was, and still is in some serious pain. All night, he'd hang on to me, and just squirm like he was trying to get out of his own skin. Horrible feeling as a Mommy not knowing what's going on, and what to do for your child. We kept him medicated on Tylenol, and Ibuprofen, but the longest he slept was 3 hours....It was a very long night. Today, he has just wanted to be cuddled, and loved on. Ryan took him to the doctor, and got the diagnosis, as well as some liquid lidocaine for him to swallow. It's called magic mouthwash, and pretty much numbs his mouth and throat for a couple of hours. Spencer has had a lot of illnesses, but I don't think he's ever had one this painful...that I can remember anyway. We have no idea where he got it, but he likely picked it up at the store, or the bounce house...Hopefully, we can keep him medicated for the next couple of days, and it'll pass soon!
(Original Post: 10/12/2010)

Our Scariest Adventure!

Well, to say yesterday afternoon was an adventure would be putting it mildly...I'll just start at the beginning and hope it all makes sense! Spencer and I had just gotten home from Harmons and I had put the grocery bags on the counter. He wanted to go outside, but I had to get dinner started so I told him to just hang out. He had opened the back door, which leads to the deck, and was sitting on the threshold where I could see him. He had gotten a quarter and a penny from my change, and was sitting there playing with his coins. We've taught him that money goes in pockets or piggy banks, and not in the mouth, so I wasn't too concerned about it, since he hadn't put it in his mouth ever. I turned around to get some groceries, when I heard a huge crash. I ran outside, and down the steps knowing that he had fallen off the back deck. He was upset and crying when I reached him, and everything looked normal so I picked him up and brought him inside where he immediately started throwing up. I cleaned him up and we took off to the instacare. He kept saying he was sad because he lost his money. When we walked in he said money mouth lost. So, I asked him if he put his money in his mouth and he said yeah, money lost. So, we got checked in, and were seen immediately because of how high the fall was (10 ft. ) and because he was throwing up. They checked him out, and said he looked fine, but that they were calling an ambulance to transport us to Primary Children's to get some scans of his head. They found a bump on the back of his head, and a few scratches. So, Ryan met us at the clinic, and immediately took off to the hospital. Spencer was running around and playing and talking to everyone, acting totally normal. The ambulance showed up, and they strapped him into a car seat on the stretcher. We hopped into the ambulance, and he waved to everyone and said "Bye Bye Doctor." We rode to the hospital, and he was totally fine the whole way. When we got there, they were waiting for us, and kept asking if this was the boy that fell and landed on concrete because he was acting so fine. So, they put him in a room, and did a thorough exam on him, and said that they weren't worried about any head trauma because he was doing so well. They were worried that he landed on his kidney, because he was scratched up right there, so they took a urine sample and checked it for blood. They then took him back for an x-ray of his belly, and found the quarter in there. After that, they brought him a slushie, and observed him for about a half an hour to make sure he wasn't going to throw up again. I called my parents, who told me that one of their plastic chairs that was under the deck was broken. We finally figured out that Spencer had put the money in his mouth, and started choking on it. He couldn't breath and was freaking out, and fell onto the floor of the deck, where he rolled off, and hit the chair, broke it, and then landed on his back on the concrete. Either the chair, or landing on the concrete forced the money down his throat, essentially saving his life. They printed off a copy of his x-ray, and let us go. He is so blessed to have guardian angels around him. With all the crazy things he goes through, I'm amazed he hasn't ever broken anything major or gotten stitches. He must have some great plans in this life to be spared so many times! When it all sank in, and I was thinking about it, and picturing what happened to him, I couldn't help but thank my Heavenly Father for giving me the insight to move the chair to that particular spot the day before, and for preserving the life of our amazing little guy! I've learned that no matter what we've taught Spencer, there will always be a time where he wants to test that knowledge, and pay the consequences for it. So, even though I knew I have to watch him like a hawk, I realize now that I just can't assume he will be ok if he is playing by himself somewhere in the house. I'm thinking of buying some bells for his shoes, and a leash to put on him!

Not for the faint hearted.....So, Spencer is officially potty-trained!! We are so excited about this fact. For the past week he has been in big boy undies, and hasn't had an accident. We have even gotten brave and driven to Aunt Karrie's house, and stayed dry. Today, we went to Aunt Karrie's, and then we went to Target with her, and then drove home. No accidents! Spencer even fell asleep and didn't even have a drop on him. So, we decided to be really brave and go run some errands. He had a cup of juice he was sipping the whole time, so I knew he was going to have to pee at some point. Sure enough he started saying "pee pee potty mama, pee pee potty!" So, I told him to hold it tight and we kept driving. I saw our pediatricians office up the street, so we jetted in, and Ryan ran out of the car with him, and found an open office which was a rehab center. The receptionist was nice enough to let them use the potty, and he made it! After that we headed out, and a few minutes later Spencer told me he had to potty again, luckily we were right by Harmons, so Ryan ran in with him, and he went in the potty. Man, I am so proud of him knowing what it means to hold on, and also being able to relax and potty in a toilet different from our own. He loves the fact that he is wearing big undies now, and doesn't like wearing a diaper anymore. He wakes up in the morning, and takes off his pajamas and diaper and knocks on the door to tell me he has to pee pee. Now, if we could just get number two down, I would be in heaven! On Sunday, we got up and of course we had to make a big breakfast for conference. I was upstairs cooking, and Ryan was watching cartoons with Spencer. (it hadn't started yet..) All of a sudden I hear Ryan yelling "Spencer no, that is disgusting, No No No." I figured he could handle it. After about 10 min. they came upstairs and Ryan proceeded to tell me that Spencer ran off, so Ryan assumed he was playing in his room. He decided to check on him since it was really quiet. He walked in the bedroom, and saw Spencer naked on his bed playing with his poo. Yes, that's right, Spencer was PLAYING WITH HIS POO! So, Ryan cleaned it all up, cleaned up Spencer and came upstairs. I kept smelling poo all day, and around 5 we figured out that there was still a chunk on his bed, and because Spencer was sitting on the bed, he had smashed some poo on there from his bottom. So, I washed his bedding, and went on with the night. What are ya gonna do? Later that night after we were in bed, I sat up and said "Oh no, I hope he didn't try and taste it!" Luckily, Ryan said he took out Spencer's binky, and smelled his breath because he thought of the same thing... Gross!
(Original Post: 10/04/2040)


Spencer is obsessed with pirates right now. Any type of skull and crossbones he see's are pirates to him. He is also obsessed with his motorcycle boots. And his hats. So, almost on a daily basis, he gets his hat on, his wristband adorned with a "pirate" and his motorcycle boots. We went to Ryan's parents for dinner a couple of weeks ago, and Spencer was in his full get-up. Ron said he looks just like John Bender from the movie. We got quite a giggle out of it, and realized how true it is. I love his little quirks, and all these fun things he loves wearing. It makes my day so interesting, and fun since he loves showing it all off to anyone who will listen. At the comcast center he walked up and down the line of people lifting up his leg and saying "wook, cool boots!" They all obliged him, and a few told me how cute he is. Gotta love 'em! We took Spencer to the Planetarium, and he had a great time until I pulled out the camera, at which point he got pouty, and wouldn't smile. But, the chocolate covered marshmallows from the chocolate factory made up for it!
 (Original Post: 9/28/2010)

Boys n Bugs

Spencer loves animals of any kind! Including bugs. He thinks it's so funny to grab my finger when he see's a fly, and will say "touch the fly finger mommy!" He giggles and thinks it's so funny when I get my finger close and the fly buzzes off. We have been trying to catch bugs in mason jars so he can see them flying around. If he see's ants crawling around, he'll get on his belly and touch them and just stare while they go about their business. Even spiders fascinate him, and he tries touching them before we squish 'em. We found a moth in the living room, and caught it in a jar for him. I asked him if he wanted to name it and he said "Barry". So, we had Barry the moth in a jar all day, and Spencer was enthralled! He would turn it upside down, and sideways, and then shake it if it wasn't flying around. Poor moth....Hopefully his love of all animals continues, even bugs, because that means when Daddy's at work he can squish 'em for me!
(Original Post: 9/28/2010)

The Most Rewarding Adventure!

So, we've been trying to potty train Spencer lately. We've actually been trying for a while, but he's really gotten into it lately. We've been really relaxed about it, and are pretty much letting him call the shots. We went to the store and let him pick out his new underoos. He picked out Cars briefs, and SpongeBob boxer briefs. Although, I got the smallest size I could find, and they barely stay up...So, we're out to find a size 2! He likes to put his undies on, but kind of gets sick of the routine, so we'd switch do a diaper. Today, he wore his undies all day, and only had 1 accident. And that's because it was a #2, and he hasn't figured that one out yet. So, dry undies all day, and we were very happy! Every time he goes pee pee in the potty, he gets to pick a sucker out of the candy jar, or gets some m&m's. I want to get him so new cars as motivation for going poop. Looks like we're on the right track though, and if things keep up we'll be fully potty trained soon!! Wahoo!
(Original Post: 9/28/2010)

Favorite Lines!

Spencer's language is really exploding right now. He is repeating everything, and I mean everything we out Daddy! He is putting sentences together, and really understands what he wants or needs, and how to ask for it. I am loving it because it definitely makes things a little less confusing...although, there are still some things I'm not sure on, but we'll give it time! His favorite things to say right now are:

"Wook at me, wook at me!", he got this from Ryan after putting his head down every time Ryan tried to discipline him. He would say " Spencer, look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Guess What?" I have been trying to get him to understand this concept for a while now, and he still doesn't get it, but when he woke up the other morning, he said, "good morning mommy, guess what?"

"Arghhhhhhhhh" He loves this one when he is extremely frustrated.

"Potty Mommy, Potty" Whether he has to go or not, he really likes to feel big and sit on the toilet.

"I so big" He stands on a chair, lifts his arms as high above his head as he can, and says this.

"Grandma, grandma, where are you?" Every morning after he wakes up, he runs through the house yelling for her.

"Binky, binky where are you??" Same as above, only he starts about halfway through the day and won't give up until bed time when he gets it again.

"Wide the bike. Mommy you sooter." When he wants to go around the block on his bike with me following on the scooter. Loads of fun!

"Gimme Dat" Pretty much says this whenever he wants something. I am trying to break the habit because I do not like this sentence at all! He saw a picture of himself with a binky in, and said "hey gimme dat binky!" he was very upset and tried grabbing the binky out of the picture. It was so funny I couldn't help laughing at him!

That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'll have another post with all his fun words!!
(original post: 9/23/2010)

Girls love lotion right?

Spencer has quite a few best friends. One of them is Aubrey. He calls her Augrey, which is a big improvement from what he used to call her....She lives in our neighborhood in DayBreak. Since we moved, we've been able to get together for playdates. The last time we got together, the kiddos were hanging out and having a great time. After a while, they ran upstairs, and we thought it was baby-proofed enough...enter Spencer. He came down the stairs quietly, and when I looked up, I saw his hair slicked down with something. I yelled out "oh no, what did you do?". Luckily, Megan started laughing, and then we raced up the stairs. We found Aubrey in the bathroom covered in baby lotion. Spencer spotted it on the top of her dresser, got it down, and proceeded to lather up Aubrey's hair, face, shirt, you name it. We went into her bedroom and found some more on the rocker and floor. They had just gotten the cap off of the desitin when we found them...that could've been really bad! So, we decided to just strip them down and throw them in the tub. After finally getting them washed off, we let them hang out in their diapers for a while since I didn't have a change of clothes for Spencer. He decided he wanted to cuddle on Aubrey's bed with her blankie, and soon enough, she joined in with him. It was so adorable seeing them relaxing on the bed just staring at each other. I wonder if they were remembering their time in heaven hanging out together....(yes, fuzzy pix, but I was trying to take pix of a moving target!)
(Original Post:  9/22/2010)

Polish anyone??

Spencer is a seriously active boy. He has the hardest time sitting still for anything. He won't eat because he hates being strapped down, and constantly tries to undo his seat belt so he can cruise around the car. He is able to figure out pretty much anything, and that makes for some crazy moments. My parents house isn't as baby proof as ours was, so it's a bit of a challenge keeping him out of stuff. While I was cleaning or cooking or something a couple of weeks ago, Spencer disappeared and was really quiet. If you have any kiddos, you know that's a recipe for a major disaster. Anyway, he was in my parents extra bedroom, and when I went in, he was sitting on the floor with my mom's shoe polish. I had gotten him in enough time so that it didn't get all over the furniture, etc. But, not before he got it all over himself. I threw him in the tub with some bubbles, and let him soak. By the end, the water had turned dark blue, and I had a shiny boy....awaiting his next adventure/mess!
(Original Post: 9/17/2010)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Eh. It's summertime. Who cares if you run around naked and drip popsicles down to your toenails??

Skin is better

Totally mommy's fault....

That poor nose..

See what happens when you don't listen to mommy??
Spencer got mad at me, turned around and hit the edge of my parents table. He broke it, and then it finally healed. Then, a couple of months later, he ran towards the window, and nailed the window sill in the same spot. A few months after that, he got stung by a bee twice, in that same spot! Luckily, with some time, his nose is looking normal, and the scars are getting smaller!

Escape artist!

Maybe he'll be a famous magician someday. Maybe he'll be in the FBI and can pick locks. I don't know. I just hope he learns the dangers of his curiosity before it gets him in trouble. At work the other day, Ryan stopped by for lunch, and hung out with Spencer while I had a couple things to do. Then, when it was time to leave, Ryan said goodbye, and then went into the office to grab something. Well, Spencer thought that meant we were all leaving, and next thing I hear is the door to the office building closing. I looked out the window and sure enough, Spencer is hanging out in the parking lot. He saw me coming, and ran away thinking it was a game. I finally got him, gave him a good lecture and a spank, and took him in. Later that day, we had plans to get together with Karrie's family for dinner, and then we were going to have a sewing night after. So, we had the kiddos downstairs, Zane in the front room, and Karrie and I cooking upstairs. We didn't hear anything from the kiddos for a while and were getting suspicious when Zane yelled out "who left the door open" and was running back in to the house with Spencer and Daysha. Spencer can now undo dead bolts, so he opened the door to their garage, which was open about a foot or so. Spencer wanted to explore so he took off and Daysha followed him. They shimmied under the garage door and popped up into the front yard where Zane saw them through the window. Both kids were crying hysterically when they came in because it was Wed. the night it had snowed all day and wasn't stopping. Their pants, and socks were soaked. (no shoes since we were inside playing) Poor little toes were frozen. Spencer was really upset, and I'm not sure if it's because his feet were freezing, or that he realized I wasn't around, or that he got caught. He makes me so nervous I can't even tell ya! He is always up for an adventure and has no fear, but the scariest part is that he doesn't really have the fear of not being with me. He can't comprehend at his age that he can get lost or taken or worse. So, it looks like I will be buying doorknob covers in bulk to pass out at family functions. And possibly some loud bells attached to his shoes.....(Original Post: 04/02/2010)

Eat it?

Why eat it when you can wear it?? I hear yogurt makes a great conditioner...not so sure about the peanut butter, or ketchup, or syrup. Or the bowl of cereal he thought would make such a great hat....


Who needs a dresser? Spencer thought it would be a blast to pull out his bottom drawer, and jump in it until it broke through. I was able to fix it the first two times, but the 3rd time just wasn't happening! So, we took it out, and stored his shoes in there. Then he figured out how to get into the middle drawer and did the same thing. That is when we decided to get him a hanging dresser, and lock his closet. Works like a charm!

Poison Control

Today I made my 3rd call into poison control. I have the number listed on my phone so I don't have to look it up anymore. The first time Spencer opened the child-proof cap to my allergy medicine and ate some. A few weeks ago, he found the pill minder on my dad's bedside table, and ate part of an aspirin, and a protonix, which is for acid reflux. Today, he found some rat poison, and I saw him playing with it, but I'm not sure if he ate any or not. I called just to be safe. The other 2 times he has been fine, and we haven't had to do anything but watch him. It's the same this time. I wonder how his little system can keep going after all this. I hope poison control doesn't keep a log of how many times and how often you call in. I'm sure they do. I don't want to be flagged as a horrible mother! Seriously though, this kid can open and get into anything faster than anyone I've seen. So, have any of you had to call poison control, and what for?? I don't know if I can handle the years to come of his mischief....(Original post: 5/12/2010)


In order for Spencer to stay asleep all night long, we had to put a pin in his closet so he couldn't play with his toys, we also had to take out his light bulbs, and put a door lock on the inside so he couldn't get out. Worked like a charm!


Killer cake mom....thanks for leaving it just within reach, and forgetting to close the drawer so I could grab this awesome spoon, and take a gouge out of it! It was delicious by the way!

Spencer Who??

As long as he wears this, we'll never know who colored all over the walls with a pen..or who ate the crayons....or...well, you get the idea, I could go on and on!

Like Father, Like Son...



I'm beginning to see where Spencer gets his adventurous side from.....Thanks Ryan! (Found this on the bathtub wall the next day...)


Sneaky boys and chocolate do not mix...


I should've known the day would be weird when we started out by Ryan doing Spencer's hair! Just kidding babe, love you! Spencer found my "unmentionables" at work, and thought they would make fun rocket launchers. Not so fun for the little old couple sitting right outside the office....