Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Escape artist!

Maybe he'll be a famous magician someday. Maybe he'll be in the FBI and can pick locks. I don't know. I just hope he learns the dangers of his curiosity before it gets him in trouble. At work the other day, Ryan stopped by for lunch, and hung out with Spencer while I had a couple things to do. Then, when it was time to leave, Ryan said goodbye, and then went into the office to grab something. Well, Spencer thought that meant we were all leaving, and next thing I hear is the door to the office building closing. I looked out the window and sure enough, Spencer is hanging out in the parking lot. He saw me coming, and ran away thinking it was a game. I finally got him, gave him a good lecture and a spank, and took him in. Later that day, we had plans to get together with Karrie's family for dinner, and then we were going to have a sewing night after. So, we had the kiddos downstairs, Zane in the front room, and Karrie and I cooking upstairs. We didn't hear anything from the kiddos for a while and were getting suspicious when Zane yelled out "who left the door open" and was running back in to the house with Spencer and Daysha. Spencer can now undo dead bolts, so he opened the door to their garage, which was open about a foot or so. Spencer wanted to explore so he took off and Daysha followed him. They shimmied under the garage door and popped up into the front yard where Zane saw them through the window. Both kids were crying hysterically when they came in because it was Wed. the night it had snowed all day and wasn't stopping. Their pants, and socks were soaked. (no shoes since we were inside playing) Poor little toes were frozen. Spencer was really upset, and I'm not sure if it's because his feet were freezing, or that he realized I wasn't around, or that he got caught. He makes me so nervous I can't even tell ya! He is always up for an adventure and has no fear, but the scariest part is that he doesn't really have the fear of not being with me. He can't comprehend at his age that he can get lost or taken or worse. So, it looks like I will be buying doorknob covers in bulk to pass out at family functions. And possibly some loud bells attached to his shoes.....(Original Post: 04/02/2010)

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