Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Eh. It's summertime. Who cares if you run around naked and drip popsicles down to your toenails??

Skin is better

Totally mommy's fault....

That poor nose..

See what happens when you don't listen to mommy??
Spencer got mad at me, turned around and hit the edge of my parents table. He broke it, and then it finally healed. Then, a couple of months later, he ran towards the window, and nailed the window sill in the same spot. A few months after that, he got stung by a bee twice, in that same spot! Luckily, with some time, his nose is looking normal, and the scars are getting smaller!

Escape artist!

Maybe he'll be a famous magician someday. Maybe he'll be in the FBI and can pick locks. I don't know. I just hope he learns the dangers of his curiosity before it gets him in trouble. At work the other day, Ryan stopped by for lunch, and hung out with Spencer while I had a couple things to do. Then, when it was time to leave, Ryan said goodbye, and then went into the office to grab something. Well, Spencer thought that meant we were all leaving, and next thing I hear is the door to the office building closing. I looked out the window and sure enough, Spencer is hanging out in the parking lot. He saw me coming, and ran away thinking it was a game. I finally got him, gave him a good lecture and a spank, and took him in. Later that day, we had plans to get together with Karrie's family for dinner, and then we were going to have a sewing night after. So, we had the kiddos downstairs, Zane in the front room, and Karrie and I cooking upstairs. We didn't hear anything from the kiddos for a while and were getting suspicious when Zane yelled out "who left the door open" and was running back in to the house with Spencer and Daysha. Spencer can now undo dead bolts, so he opened the door to their garage, which was open about a foot or so. Spencer wanted to explore so he took off and Daysha followed him. They shimmied under the garage door and popped up into the front yard where Zane saw them through the window. Both kids were crying hysterically when they came in because it was Wed. the night it had snowed all day and wasn't stopping. Their pants, and socks were soaked. (no shoes since we were inside playing) Poor little toes were frozen. Spencer was really upset, and I'm not sure if it's because his feet were freezing, or that he realized I wasn't around, or that he got caught. He makes me so nervous I can't even tell ya! He is always up for an adventure and has no fear, but the scariest part is that he doesn't really have the fear of not being with me. He can't comprehend at his age that he can get lost or taken or worse. So, it looks like I will be buying doorknob covers in bulk to pass out at family functions. And possibly some loud bells attached to his shoes.....(Original Post: 04/02/2010)

Eat it?

Why eat it when you can wear it?? I hear yogurt makes a great conditioner...not so sure about the peanut butter, or ketchup, or syrup. Or the bowl of cereal he thought would make such a great hat....


Who needs a dresser? Spencer thought it would be a blast to pull out his bottom drawer, and jump in it until it broke through. I was able to fix it the first two times, but the 3rd time just wasn't happening! So, we took it out, and stored his shoes in there. Then he figured out how to get into the middle drawer and did the same thing. That is when we decided to get him a hanging dresser, and lock his closet. Works like a charm!

Poison Control

Today I made my 3rd call into poison control. I have the number listed on my phone so I don't have to look it up anymore. The first time Spencer opened the child-proof cap to my allergy medicine and ate some. A few weeks ago, he found the pill minder on my dad's bedside table, and ate part of an aspirin, and a protonix, which is for acid reflux. Today, he found some rat poison, and I saw him playing with it, but I'm not sure if he ate any or not. I called just to be safe. The other 2 times he has been fine, and we haven't had to do anything but watch him. It's the same this time. I wonder how his little system can keep going after all this. I hope poison control doesn't keep a log of how many times and how often you call in. I'm sure they do. I don't want to be flagged as a horrible mother! Seriously though, this kid can open and get into anything faster than anyone I've seen. So, have any of you had to call poison control, and what for?? I don't know if I can handle the years to come of his mischief....(Original post: 5/12/2010)


In order for Spencer to stay asleep all night long, we had to put a pin in his closet so he couldn't play with his toys, we also had to take out his light bulbs, and put a door lock on the inside so he couldn't get out. Worked like a charm!


Killer cake mom....thanks for leaving it just within reach, and forgetting to close the drawer so I could grab this awesome spoon, and take a gouge out of it! It was delicious by the way!

Spencer Who??

As long as he wears this, we'll never know who colored all over the walls with a pen..or who ate the crayons....or...well, you get the idea, I could go on and on!

Like Father, Like Son...



I'm beginning to see where Spencer gets his adventurous side from.....Thanks Ryan! (Found this on the bathtub wall the next day...)


Sneaky boys and chocolate do not mix...


I should've known the day would be weird when we started out by Ryan doing Spencer's hair! Just kidding babe, love you! Spencer found my "unmentionables" at work, and thought they would make fun rocket launchers. Not so fun for the little old couple sitting right outside the office....

The trots...

Dear Mom,
I know how much you love changing my diapers now that I'm past the "newborn twosies". So, to make it a little easier for ya, I'm going to grab the bottle of baby wash, and drink as much of the bubbles as I can so that everything comes out pure liquid. Enjoy!
                                                                        Love, Spencer

Oh hey!

Hey Mom,
Look at me, I know you think I am the most adorable thing in the world, but you have no idea how fast my mind is working. I am watching you all day, figuring out how you get over the baby gates, and the ottoman so that I can copy you, making all your efforts to keep me corralled futile. And, don't I melt your heart when I smile like this??


Good, cause it'll make it easier on me when you see what I did to your window sill while I've been teething....

Don't look too close, because the entire window looks this way...and then in two weeks, when I am done teething, I'll go ahead and grab your peeling paint and rip it as far down the wall as I can, because you look like you're having a ton of fun when you repair my "accidents"!

Oh yeah, and don't mind the fact that I climbed in your kitchen drawer, and took a dump while you snapped this picture. I'll eventually start jumping in it so hard that I'll bend the rails so it won't go in and out unless you break your arm by pulling so hard.
                                                                              Love, Spencer

Plotting his next move...

Don't let that handsome face fool you! He's plotting 24/7!

We learned our lesson...

We decided to splurge, and got some awesome magnet locks for all the cabinets. Expensive, but so worth it! To this day, he hasn't figured out where the magnet is on the door, although if he gets a hold of one, he moves it around on the cabinet door looking for the spot. HA! Check one for the parents!!

Getting very sneaky....

We bought our first house right after Spencer turned one. We have already moved out of that house due to crazy circumstances, but we will always fondly remember it because that is where Spencer learned how to walk, talk, and really came into his personality. the personality of a sneak! Right after we moved in, we installed child locks on all the cabinets like any responsible parent would do. Well, they lasted a day. After all of Ryan's hard work, Spencer walked in, opened a cabinet and popped the lock. I was completely in shock, and made sure it wasn't just a fluke. All day, he kept popping them open, and when Ryan got home, we got this video of it. Little sneak! Then, after putting the gate up to keep him out of the kitchen, he decided to climb on it and rock back and forth, successfully pulling it down on himself, and climbing over it. This is when I really started to get worried about how adventurous he would be! Little did I know....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Yarr Matey!

Uncle Brent just had to buy something with the quarter burning a hole in his pocket! So, he got some sweet temporary tattoos, and slapped one on Spencer. He didn't know what to think at first, but enjoyed it for a bit before we washed it off...

My first adventure at the doctor's office!

Well, definitely not the first, but probably the most traumatic! (Mommy's account)

I took Spencer for his 1 yr. check-up today. It started off normally. The nurse asked the normal questions, took his height (31.5 in) then his head (45) then his weight (19.8 lbs). She then excused herself and told me the doctor would be right in. After 10 minutes of trying to entertain Spencer, the doc showed up and started in on her part. Everything is looking really well, and even though he's still allowed a month to be behind, he's catching up quickly to other babies his age. There are a few things he's not doing which he should, but nothing concerning. So she prescribes a multivitamin with iron for us, and excuses herself telling me the nurse will be right in to give Spencer his shots. She comes back in with 5 shots explaining to me that 2 go in one leg, one in the other, and one in each arm. I'm not quite sure why they do them all in one sitting, maybe to get the trauma all over at once, but whatever. She lines the band-aids all up on the bed, and I lay Spencer down with his legs dangling over so she can press her body against them to hold him in place. I have to hold his hands and talk to him so he won't freak out as bad. She wipes down his legs, and he starts whimpering because I think he understands what's going to happen. She shoots up the one leg, then the other, and it registers. He starts screaming his head off, and then she does one arm and the other, and gets the band-aids on. This all took about 30 seconds or so. She tells me to pick him up, and I do. I can tell he's really really upset, and getting to the point where he doesn't breathe. So, I tell him to start breathing and I start really rubbing his back. The nurse looks at him and starts blowing in his face when all of a sudden he goes limp and falls against my shoulder. I start panicking and yell "he's not breathing, he's not breathing" as I lay him down on the bed. His whole mouth is blue, and his eyes had rolled back in his head. He was totally limp just laying there. I was yelling at him to breath, and rubbing his chest, meanwhile, the nurse had run into the hallway screaming for another nurse to come quick there's a baby in here who's stopped breathing. So they both come back in and are getting ready to start CPR when he starts taking these little breaths. After a few of those, he really starts breathing and then starts screaming and crying. I picked him up, and just about hit the floor I was so overwhelmed. At this point the doctor came in and checked his oxygen levels, and his heart and said everything looked fine. She asked me if this happens often. I told her he holds his breath when he gets crying really hard, but it's never gotten to this point. She tells me it's pretty common, and that it will probably happen again. She said he will probably even twitch a couple of times before he starts breathing again, but that he will and not to worry. WHAT THE FREAK? How do you stay cool and not worry? I am going to be freaking out every time he starts crying now wondering if it's going to happen again. After that he was pretty pale and clammy, and had fallen asleep by the time we got home. He slept for almost 2 hours after that. All in all, a very scary day. And like most things in Spencer's life, he doesn't do them the easy way! Getting our first real taste of what this boy will be like!!
(original post: Jan 12, 2009)

Love of animals...

This is my first real stuffed animal, and wow! Getting ready to take off on a safari and see the world!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


No wonder I'm so adventurous!! Take a look at the people who made me....(murder mystery dinner supposedly...)

My everyday life!

I get to go to work with Mommy everyday! I love being able to stay close to her, and learning how to make dentures. With all the sounds, smells, and sights, it's definitely a fun environment! I get my own room, with tons of fun toys!

Ready to drive my cab!

My First Airplane Ride!

When I was 3 months old, I got to take a trip to Colorado to see my Aunt and Uncle! Mommy kept me in my favorite sling pretty much the whole time, which I loved! I was a champ on the plane, and while we were there as well! We took a ton of walks, and had so much fun, but my favorite parts were riding the electric scooters while I was in the sling, and also bowling with mommy in the sling as well! Anything that involves motors or danger is right up my alley!

My First Taste of Sneakiness!

From Mommy's perspective!

Just a random post. As many of you know, I always wanted a baby who was cuddly and affectionate. Well, I sure got one. I love that Spencer loves to be snuggled up with me. When I put him over my shoulder to burp him, he moves his head back and forth until he finds the perfect spot in my neck to hang out. He also likes to be snuggled up when he is going to sleep, and no matter how warm it is, I have to get his softest blanket and put it around him and still have enough to put up against his cheek. He is going to be a sneaky little boy I think. The other day, I was holding him, and he was supposed to be going to sleep for his nap, and I looked down at him, and he quickly closed his eye and totally grinned at me behind his binky!!!Little stinker, that kind of behavior shouldn't come out til he's a little older...Looks like I was right! He has definitely kept us on our toes every day!
(Original Post on April 30, 2008, Spencer was 3 months old...)

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Second Adventure!

Written by Mommy:

Knock, Knock
Who's There?
Pile Up
Pile Up Who?

I hope you all got it! When she told me this, it struck my funny bone, and I got the giggles way bad. I proceeded to tell everyone I knew, with varying degrees of laughter. I think most people thought it was hilarious because I would get the giggles all over again and barely get it out. The reason why I thought it was so funny was because the night before, I was changing Spencer, and he decided to go #2 while I was wiping him. So, I let him do his business, and proceeded to clean him off again. Then, I started putting on a clean diaper, and he decided to start going again. So, again, I cleaned him off, and right when I was finishing up, he tooted, and then went again, only this time it shot straight into my open hand! Isn't it amazing that something like that would normally gross us out but when it's your baby, it doesn't even phase you? Well, I started laughing and yelled at Ryan to come clean him up and put on a new diaper so I could wash up. I'm in the process of washing my hands when I hear Ryan yell out, "Oh, Crap!" So, I run in the room, and before Ryan could get the diaper on, Spencer pee'd and it soaked his hair and shoulder. Well, I finally feel like I have been inducted into mommy hood, between that experience and last night. What happened last night? Well, let me tell you. We were eating dinner, and I had just finished feeding Spencer. I had him on my chest, where he is most comfortable after eating because of his reflux. All of a sudden I hear this gagging sound, and he puked. Not a big deal you say? Well, dumb mommy forgot to put the burp rag on herself, so I got a whole load of Spit-up straight down the front of my shirt. Nothing like hot curdled milk soaking your chest, garments, bra, tank top, and shirt! Well, you'd think I would learn, but no. Last night around 3 a.m. I finished feeding Spencer and had him in the same position and what do you know, the same thing happened again. I was so tired, that I just wiped it off with his rag, and rolled over to go to sleep!! Normally I would be completely disgusted by these acts, but when they come from something so cute and tiny, you can't help but think the act itself is cute.

My very first adventure!

Spencer Read Henricksen

Born: Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 7:20pm!
Weight: 5lb 9.4oz
Length: 17.5in

Mommy was supposed to go in for an amnio test on Monday the 14th, and then have a c-section the next day, January 15th. Well, today she went in for a regular doctor visit and mentioned that she has been having some pain on her right side. The doctor decided to check it out and noticed that the scar on her uterus from her first surgery was tender. THIS IS NOT GOOD! This means that her uterus could rupture and we would possibly lose her and me! Because of this, her doctor decided that she should have her c-section today!
  Mommy called Daddy around noon telling him the news so he headed back to the office to get his stuff,  went home to pack, then came right over to the hospital! Mommy was told that I would be delivered between 3pm and 5pm, but there were a couple emergency c-sections that came in so we got bumped back. Mommy went into the c-section room at 7pm to get prepped and numb from the chest down, and Daddy was called back into the room to be with her at about 7:10pm. Five minutes later the doctor tells them that he sees a lot of dark hair, then at 7:20pm I was born! After being in the NICU for 9 days, I got to go home!! With my adventurous start in this world, Mommy and Daddy knew they were in for a crazy ride!

Our First Post!

So, it happened, I started a blog for Spencer so we can remember all the crazy adventures and things he does! I am pretty excited about this, and hope you guys enjoy all of his antics as much as we do! It definitely makes for some interesting days, but I'll take that over boring any day! Please bear with me as I get this started from as far back as I can remember!!