Friday, September 24, 2010

My Second Adventure!

Written by Mommy:

Knock, Knock
Who's There?
Pile Up
Pile Up Who?

I hope you all got it! When she told me this, it struck my funny bone, and I got the giggles way bad. I proceeded to tell everyone I knew, with varying degrees of laughter. I think most people thought it was hilarious because I would get the giggles all over again and barely get it out. The reason why I thought it was so funny was because the night before, I was changing Spencer, and he decided to go #2 while I was wiping him. So, I let him do his business, and proceeded to clean him off again. Then, I started putting on a clean diaper, and he decided to start going again. So, again, I cleaned him off, and right when I was finishing up, he tooted, and then went again, only this time it shot straight into my open hand! Isn't it amazing that something like that would normally gross us out but when it's your baby, it doesn't even phase you? Well, I started laughing and yelled at Ryan to come clean him up and put on a new diaper so I could wash up. I'm in the process of washing my hands when I hear Ryan yell out, "Oh, Crap!" So, I run in the room, and before Ryan could get the diaper on, Spencer pee'd and it soaked his hair and shoulder. Well, I finally feel like I have been inducted into mommy hood, between that experience and last night. What happened last night? Well, let me tell you. We were eating dinner, and I had just finished feeding Spencer. I had him on my chest, where he is most comfortable after eating because of his reflux. All of a sudden I hear this gagging sound, and he puked. Not a big deal you say? Well, dumb mommy forgot to put the burp rag on herself, so I got a whole load of Spit-up straight down the front of my shirt. Nothing like hot curdled milk soaking your chest, garments, bra, tank top, and shirt! Well, you'd think I would learn, but no. Last night around 3 a.m. I finished feeding Spencer and had him in the same position and what do you know, the same thing happened again. I was so tired, that I just wiped it off with his rag, and rolled over to go to sleep!! Normally I would be completely disgusted by these acts, but when they come from something so cute and tiny, you can't help but think the act itself is cute.

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