Saturday, October 16, 2010

Favorite Lines!

Spencer's language is really exploding right now. He is repeating everything, and I mean everything we out Daddy! He is putting sentences together, and really understands what he wants or needs, and how to ask for it. I am loving it because it definitely makes things a little less confusing...although, there are still some things I'm not sure on, but we'll give it time! His favorite things to say right now are:

"Wook at me, wook at me!", he got this from Ryan after putting his head down every time Ryan tried to discipline him. He would say " Spencer, look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Guess What?" I have been trying to get him to understand this concept for a while now, and he still doesn't get it, but when he woke up the other morning, he said, "good morning mommy, guess what?"

"Arghhhhhhhhh" He loves this one when he is extremely frustrated.

"Potty Mommy, Potty" Whether he has to go or not, he really likes to feel big and sit on the toilet.

"I so big" He stands on a chair, lifts his arms as high above his head as he can, and says this.

"Grandma, grandma, where are you?" Every morning after he wakes up, he runs through the house yelling for her.

"Binky, binky where are you??" Same as above, only he starts about halfway through the day and won't give up until bed time when he gets it again.

"Wide the bike. Mommy you sooter." When he wants to go around the block on his bike with me following on the scooter. Loads of fun!

"Gimme Dat" Pretty much says this whenever he wants something. I am trying to break the habit because I do not like this sentence at all! He saw a picture of himself with a binky in, and said "hey gimme dat binky!" he was very upset and tried grabbing the binky out of the picture. It was so funny I couldn't help laughing at him!

That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'll have another post with all his fun words!!
(original post: 9/23/2010)

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