Well, to say yesterday afternoon was an adventure would be putting it mildly...I'll just start at the beginning and hope it all makes sense! Spencer and I had just gotten home from Harmons and I had put the grocery bags on the counter. He wanted to go outside, but I had to get dinner started so I told him to just hang out. He had opened the back door, which leads to the deck, and was sitting on the threshold where I could see him. He had gotten a quarter and a penny from my change, and was sitting there playing with his coins. We've taught him that money goes in pockets or piggy banks, and not in the mouth, so I wasn't too concerned about it, since he hadn't put it in his mouth ever. I turned around to get some groceries, when I heard a huge crash. I ran outside, and down the steps knowing that he had fallen off the back deck. He was upset and crying when I reached him, and everything looked normal so I picked him up and brought him inside where he immediately started throwing up. I cleaned him up and we took off to the instacare. He kept saying he was sad because he lost his money. When we walked in he said money mouth lost. So, I asked him if he put his money in his mouth and he said yeah, money lost. So, we got checked in, and were seen immediately because of how high the fall was (10 ft. ) and because he was throwing up. They checked him out, and said he looked fine, but that they were calling an ambulance to transport us to Primary Children's to get some scans of his head. They found a bump on the back of his head, and a few scratches. So, Ryan met us at the clinic, and immediately took off to the hospital. Spencer was running around and playing and talking to everyone, acting totally normal. The ambulance showed up, and they strapped him into a car seat on the stretcher. We hopped into the ambulance, and he waved to everyone and said "Bye Bye Doctor." 
We rode to the hospital, and he was totally fine the whole way. When we got there, they were waiting for us, and kept asking if this was the boy that fell and landed on concrete because he was acting so fine. So, they put him in a room, and did a thorough exam on him, and said that they weren't worried about any head trauma because he was doing so well. They were worried that he landed on his kidney, because he was scratched up right there, so they took a urine sample and checked it for blood. They then took him back for an x-ray of his belly, and found the quarter in there. After that, they brought him a slushie, and observed him for about a half an hour to make sure he wasn't going to throw up again.

I called my parents, who told me that one of their plastic chairs that was under the deck was broken. We finally figured out that Spencer had put the money in his mouth, and started choking on it. He couldn't breath and was freaking out, and fell onto the floor of the deck, where he rolled off, and hit the chair, broke it, and then landed on his back on the concrete. Either the chair, or landing on the concrete forced the money down his throat, essentially saving his life. They printed off a copy of his x-ray, and let us go. He is so blessed to have guardian angels around him. With all the crazy things he goes through, I'm amazed he hasn't ever broken anything major or gotten stitches. He must have some great plans in this life to be spared so many times! When it all sank in, and I was thinking about it, and picturing what happened to him, I couldn't help but thank my Heavenly Father for giving me the insight to move the chair to that particular spot the day before, and for preserving the life of our amazing little guy! I've learned that no matter what we've taught Spencer, there will always be a time where he wants to test that knowledge, and pay the consequences for it. So, even though I knew I have to watch him like a hawk, I realize now that I just can't assume he will be ok if he is playing by himself somewhere in the house. I'm thinking of buying some bells for his shoes, and a leash to put on him!

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