Spencer is sick. AGAIN!! The poor boy has hand foot and mouth. At the moment, it's only in his mouth, and hopefully it stays there. He has had a super high fever since Sunday, and last night, the ulcers in his mouth must have burst because he was, and still is in some serious pain. All night, he'd hang on to me, and just squirm like he was trying to get out of his own skin. Horrible feeling as a Mommy not knowing what's going on, and what to do for your child. We kept him medicated on Tylenol, and Ibuprofen, but the longest he slept was 3 hours....It was a very long night. Today, he has just wanted to be cuddled, and loved on. Ryan took him to the doctor, and got the diagnosis, as well as some liquid lidocaine for him to swallow. It's called magic mouthwash, and pretty much numbs his mouth and throat for a couple of hours. Spencer has had a lot of illnesses, but I don't think he's ever had one this painful...that I can remember anyway. We have no idea where he got it, but he likely picked it up at the store, or the bounce house...Hopefully, we can keep him medicated for the next couple of days, and it'll pass soon!
(Original Post: 10/12/2010)
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